Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Mahatma Gamdhi: Motivational Quotes of The Man with Simple Lifestyle with Great Vision of Humanity

Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English for Students  The of Mahatma Gandhi are a beacon of peace, service, compassion, and non-violence and they are still need for our society. the teaching from Mahatma Gandhi are enough to  guide our collective vision for a harmonious, inclusive, and prosperous global future.  Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation and hit quotes are the sum of his entire life and it is enough to provide us the meaning of life. 

Gandhi, is the person who is known for his unique thoughts and philosophy of the Peace Non-violence and Truth. For his simple life style but with the great vision and thoughts,  Mahatma Gandhi is still a legend across the globe  which has shown the new way to the world.

 He was one of the greatest personality of the world who will be remembered for his simple living style but for his great thoughts...The person for whom the Great Scientist Albert Einstein had said that..."Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."..and certainly after century passed, still Gandhi is relevant in every part of life...You can't ignore the Quotes of Mahatma Gandhi which are enough to guide you...

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi...known as the Mahatma Gandhi was the man with his unique philosophy which has gave a new vision of the truth and non-violence to the entire world. Mahatma Gandhi's lifestyle with his simplicity was worth seeing and it has created him the great scholar.

Mahatma Gandhi Was an Era, Than a Human Being: Narendra Modi

 The teaching and philosophy given by Mahatma Gandhi to the entire world has med him one of the most universally recognized person on the earth....He was born on 02 October 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat.  Gandhi wed Kasturba Makanji who was a merchant’s daughter.

02 October Mahatma Gandhi: Important Quotes which are Enough to Change Your Life...

He is known for many role apart from the Indian lawyer, politician, social activist and was Mahatma Gandhi who is known for his the philosophy of truth and non-violence and his contribution in the nationalist movement against the British rule of India.

02 October Mahatma Gandhi: Important Quotes which are Enough to Change Your Life...

Karamchand Gandhi was the father of Mahatma Gandhi and Putlibai was his mother. Gandhi Ji is known for his commitment to nonviolence and his belief in simple living throughout his life. 

02 October Mahatma Gandhi: Important Quotes which are Enough to Change Your Life...

However Gandhi ji..a lawyer, politician, social activist and writer..but he is known for his "Satyagraha" (“truth and firmness”)...which has created history in the world of humanity...a special beliefs which become a special thoughts and ideology for many personalities. 

02 October Mahatma Gandhi: Important Quotes which are Enough to Change Your Life...

Satyagraha was basically a civil-disobedience campaign initiated by Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi called for a Satyagraha campaign of peaceful protests and strikes many times during his struggles. 

Gandhi lead the main face and icon of the leadership of the Indian National Congress during Freedom Movement against British Rule. In a bid to achieve home rule, Gandhi advocated a policy of non-violence and non-cooperation against the British Rule. 

02 October Mahatma Gandhi: Important Quotes which are Enough to Change Your Life...

The Philosophy of Satyagraha, conceived by Mahatma Gandhi has become one of the most potent philosophies throughout the world. 

Gandhi quotes.

  • You must be the change you want to see in the world.
  • The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
  • An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
  • You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.
  • Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
  • The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
  • First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
  • Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

FAQs on Mahatma Gandhhi: 

Q-1: When was Mahatma Gandhi born? 

Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869.

Q-2: Where was mahatma Gandhi born?

He was born in Porbandar State, Kathiawar, Gujarat, India.

Q-3: Who was Mahatma Gandhi's wife?

Kasturba Gandhi was the wife of Mahatma Gandhi. 

Q-5: What were the nickname of Mahatma Gandhi?

Nickname(s) of the Mahatma Gandhi were-

  • Mahatma
  •  Father of the Nation
  • Bapu

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