Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Super Blue Moon 2023: Why We Call It As a Blue Moon, When Moon Appears As Orange

What ia Super Blue Moon Why We Call It As a Blue Moon

Now stage is all set for the rare 'once in a blue moon' celestial event will grace the skies on the night of August 30, 2023. You will be so lucky to observe the phenomenon as a Super Blue Moon 2023 on the special occasion when we will be celebrating the Raksha Bandhan during the day and witness the biggest and brightest moon at night. But do you know, why we call it as Blue Moon, when it is the facts that Moon appears as orange during the Super Blue Moon 2023? 

In fact, the term "blue moon" does not refer to the color of the moon. It is a misnomer. The moon will not actually turn blue. The name comes from an old English saying that goes "once in a blue moon," which means "rarely."

A blue moon is a rare occurrence that happens when there are two full moons in a single month. This can happen because the lunar cycle is actually 29.53 days long, while the Gregorian calendar is 30 or 31 days long. So, every two and a half years, there is a chance that a month will have two full moons.

If you are lucky enough to live in an area with clear skies, be sure to look up at the moon on August 30, 2023. You will see a rare and beautiful sight.

The moon can appear orange or red when it is low in the sky, because the atmosphere scatters the blue light more than the other colors. This is the same reason why sunsets are often red.

So, the next time you see a blue moon, don't be disappointed if it's not actually blue. It's still a rare and beautiful sight.

There are two different definitions of a blue moon. The traditional definition is the third full moon in a season with four full moons. The newer definition is the second full moon in a month. The August 30, 2023 moon is a blue moon according to the newer definition, but not the traditional definition.

The next time there will be a blue moon according to the traditional definition will be in August 2024.

During a supermom, which means that the moon will be closer to Earth than usual, making it appear larger and brighter.

A blue moon happens about once every two and a half years. However, it is possible for two blue moons to happen in a year, or for a year to have no blue moons at all. The next time there will be two blue moons in a year is 2037.

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