Thursday, December 21, 2023

Marry Christmas 2023: Make the Baking Recipes and Made the Festival Specials with your family

Christmas Baking Recipes: Enjoy This Festivity with Tasty Recipe
Marry Christmas: Stage is all set for Marry Christmas 2023 and celebration of Christmas can't be imagine without the recipe of delicious Cake. So here is the chance to make the delicious Baking Recipes and now enjoy this festive occasion with the Christmas Baking Recipes by expert. Festival is the name of enjoyment and triumph...recipe prepare the Christmas Baking Recipe with the famous Chef Ajay Kumar, Jaypee  Vasant Continental and enjoy this Christmas with joy and fervor...

Refined flour -115gms
Baking powder-5 gms
White bread crumbs -175 gms
Mixed spices powder-clove, mace, cardamom -5 gms
Unsalted butter -250 gms
Brown sugar - 175 gms
Salt- 3 gms
Dry fruits -250 gms
(Lemon peels, orange peels, black current, raisin, cashew
Walnut, tutti frutti-chopped)
Almond peeled and chopped -  85 gms
Whole eggs - 02
Lemon zest -5 gms
Brandy-100 ml
Apple –peeled & chopped -300 gms
Sieve flour then mix baking powder, breadcrumbs and spices.
Add dry fruits, apple, almond & lemon zest and mix well. Keep aside.
Take another bowl mix butter, salt and brown sugar till sugar dissolve completely. Add eggs, milk and brandy.
Then slowly mix both mixtures till smooth in consistency.
Baking- grease the 5(250 gms each) pudding moulds, fill this mixture and cover with cling wrap. Cook these moulds in double boiler in the oven at the temperature 120 degrees C for two hours.
Once baked cool it down on ambient temperature than keep in the cold storage.
Now you’re Christmas Baking Recipes is ready and you can enjoy the recipe which is waiting for you. 

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