New Delhi: Congress has said that in the run up to the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, Shri Narendra Modi promised "Minimum Government, Maximum Governance."  A fourth of his term is now over, and what we have seen is "Minimum Governance, Maximum Disturbance".

"Around 600 projects, involving more than Rs 11 lakh crore and related to various sectors like energy, power, coal, roads & highways, aviation and other infrastructure segments, are significantly delayed and many of them don’t even have a date for completion," as it  has reported.

Congress terms Modi government as ‘Minimum Governance, Maximum Disturbance’

Party said that the Prime Minister has spent a good part of his 16+ month tenure touring the world. The nation has seen him making speeches and addressing rallies, not only in election going states in India, but also at international venues. The question everyone is asking is: When does he do the work he was elected to do?

"Though around 100 projects of the 700 to be reviewed are said to be on schedule, roughly 300 are delayed. But what is more disturbing is that the 320 projects don’t even have an exact date by which they are to be completed," according to a daily.

According to the party releases, it  is high time that the BJP government channelizes its energies on development, rather than acting as a catalyst in spreading communal tensions in the country.

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