Come Feel the Power of Thoughts...with Motivational Quotes...Ignite your thoughts...with Inspiring Thoughts.

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#Attitude    # Silence  #Fear   #Mind  #Mother's 

 # Courage     Self Discipline     Expectation     #Christmas

#Goal   #Positive Thinking   #Depression


 Personalities Quotes

# Swami Vivekanand Quotes     


#Chanakya Quotes

#Mahatma Gandhi


"I don't feel like a hero - just another person involved in the space business. I'm hoping to encourage young folks to become explorers."
-Sunita Williams

Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.
- Muhammad Ali

Inspiring Thoughts : Winning isn't everything, but it beats anything that comes in second

Inspiring Thoughts:
We should always try to become special in life because only the effort to become extraordinary from the ordinary helps us in achieving complete success in life.Remember the quotes from Paul Bryant- "Winning isn't everything, but it beats anything that comes in second. "  
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Inspiring Thoughts: Follow These Tips to Worry Less and Be Happier

In today's culture of life where time and distance is the ultimate factor to measure overall success, one can understand the need for worrying less and being happier for overall life. Worrying less and being happier are the ultimate goal for which many people strive for. Needless to say, reducing worry and increasing happiness often involves adopting positive habits and changing certain thought patterns. Read more.

Inspiring Thoughts: Tips To Avoid, Reduce And Manage Exams Stress
As 10th/12th/exam is all set to conducted across the country and now it is a special phase for those candidats who have to apper in the above exams for different boards. Certainly there are mix of responses of their preparation and anxiety of exams stress or exam phobia for the them. Read more...

Inspiring Thought: Distance between Dreams and Reality is Action, Realize It

You are independent to follow different philosophy or motivation quotes in your life to encourage yourself, but the one line definition of the ultimate life is that the "Distance between Dreams and Reality is known as the Action." Read more...

Watch Video-Inspiring Thought: How To Adjust Attitude To Deal With Stress Management

Born on Monday-Sensitive, Adaptive, Kind, Caring, Motherly and Much More

People Born on Monday: People  born on Monday displays unique personality traits including the cool head,sensitive, adaptive, kind, modest, adaptable, possessive, caring and motherly. Read more...

Change Your Perception, Life is Full of Opportunities and Possibilities

Inspiring Thoughts: Life has nothing to do exactly except your perception to look the things and happenings with you. Its your perception which decides the degree of scarcity or abundance. And thus you can change your perception of seeing these things in terms of Possibilities and Opportunities around you in your life. Read more.

International Women's Day: Motivational Quotes by Kalpana Chawla, Malala Yousafzai and others

International Women's Day (IWD):
08 March is observed as the International Women's Day to remember the contribution of women to the world and society for the betterment. March 8 is observed every year as the International Women's Day (IWD) all over the world to acknowledge the women and womanhood and their contribution to the world and society...

International Women's Day 2022 Quotes Messages

International Women's Day 2022 Quotes Messages

International Women's Day 2022 Quotes Messages

International Women's Day 2022 Quotes Messages

International Women's Day 2022 Quotes Messages

International Women's Day 2022 Quotes Messages

Secret of Success-Preparation, Hard Work and Learning from Failure

Inspiring Thoughts:
 The secret of success is the ultimate myths for which we try eagerly to find the perfect solution.A lot of thoughts have been scripted for the same, but it seems that the ultimate and perfect solution is that there are no Secrets to Success except - Result of your Preparation, Hard Work and  Learning from Failure. .Read More...

Inspiring Thoughts: Follow Routine Disciplined Life Style to Build Confidence

Inspiring Thoughts:
In a bid to keep away the negative thoughts from you, you will have to follow the Motivational and Inspiring Thoughts within you...The disciplined life style and the intention to keep away from wrong thoughts and actions is the parameter to improve your confidence....Read More...

Inspiring Thoughts: Confident Walking is more Successful than Confused Running...

Its better to be confident and only walking...rather than to run...but in completely confused manner....No doubt...life is nothing but a race and everyone has to achieve their target and goal at any cost....but remember...confidence is the important factor which plays crucial role in achieving your target and it is your attitude and perception which decides your stance during dealing with the problems and plight in your life....Confidence has its own importance for being successful in our life....Read More...

International Women's Day: Motivational Quotes by influential women around the world

International Women's Day (IWD)...Yes March 8 is observed as the International Women's Day (IWD) all over the world...The day is commonly known to celebrate the women and womanhood which is the ultimate and beautiful creation of nature...Needless to say, March 8..International Women's Day (IWD) is the moment to acknowledge the achievements of women in every field, irrespective of age and sexual orientation...Read More..



Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity.-Mahatma Gandhi

International Women's Day: Get Whatsapp Status / Motivational Quotes by influential women around the world

The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on it and the perseverance to follow it.-  Kalpana Chawla

International Women's Day: Kalpana Chawla Get Whatsapp Status / Motivational Quotes by influential women around the world

Women are like tea bags. You never know how strong they are until they are in hot water. -E. Roosevelt

International Women's Day: Get Whatsapp Status / Motivational Quotes by influential women around the world

We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.- Malala Yousafzai

International Women's Day: Get Whatsapp Status / Motivational Quotes by influential women around the world

Empowering women is key to building a future we want -Amartya Sen

International Women's Day: Get Whatsapp Status / Motivational Quotes by influential women around the world

There are two powers in the world; one is the Sword and the other is Pen..There is a third power stronger than both...that of Women. -Malala Yousafzai

International Women's Day: Get Whatsapp Status / Motivational Quotes by influential women around the world

Inspiring Thoughts: Happiness…The Ultimate way for Success in Life

It might be some bizarre in thought, but practically it is the ultimate fact of life that our secret of success lies in the state of  happiness...The state of anxiety or unhappy is also a part of life but you will have to be accustomed to live with the happiness if you want to become successful in your life...

Inspiring Thoughts: Happiness…The Ultimate way for Success in Life

Inspiring Thoughts: Being Positive is the Ultimate...to Welcome a New Year...

 Being Positive is the Ultimate...to Welcome a New Year...As the New Year 2021 is likely to knock your door and its time to set the New Year Resolution...a common query which we generally imbibe in our mind...Read More...

Inspiring Thoughts Courage Happiness

Inspiring Thoughts: Your Attitude-The Ultimate Way which Guide your Action...in dealing the Circumstances

Inspiring Thoughts: Your Attitude
Attitude is basically the way in which we behave or think or feel towards something ...Generally we display our Attitude in frame of reference with others aspects including in terms of thinking, feelings etc..Read More..

Inspiring Thoughts: Your Attitude

Inspiring Thoughts: Your Attitude Churchil Motivational Quotes

Inspiring Thoughts: Your Attitude Churchil Motivational Quotes

Inspiring Thoughts: Your Attitude Churchil Motivational Quotes

Inspiring Thoughts: Your Attitude Churchil Motivational Quotes

Inspiring Thoughts: Become a Disciplined Time Manager…be Ruthless with Your Time

Inspiring Thoughts: Become a Disciplined Time Manager…be Ruthless with Your Time
Time management is very crucial for success in our life and it is essential to be a disciplined time management system for the success and execution of your projects and targets in your life...Read More...

Inspiring  Thoughts Motivational Quotes  Courage Inspiration Positive Thoughts

Inspiring  Thoughts Motivational Quotes  Courage Inspiration Positive Thoughts

Inspiring  Thoughts Motivational Quotes  Courage Inspiration Positive Thoughts

Inspiring  Thoughts Motivational Quotes  Courage Inspiration Positive Thoughts

Inspiring  Thoughts Motivational Quotes  Courage Inspiration Positive Thoughts

Inspiring  Thoughts Motivational Quotes  Courage Inspiration Positive Thoughts

Inspiring  Thoughts Motivational Quotes  Courage Inspiration Positive Thoughts

Inspiring Thoughts: Life is Crucial...Make it a Mission Statement for Its Meaningful Culmination

Inspiring Thoughts: Life is very crucial gifted by the ultimate God with immense power in every individual. Never think that you have nothing special in yourself as your thoughts guide to your actions…..Give a meaningful culmination of your crucial life and in a bid to prove the same..Read More...

Inspiring Thoughts…Power of Thoughts: Try These Three Ways to Motivate Yourself

Inspiring Thoughts: Every one of us will be aired acquainted with the famous quotes by Pablo Picasso which goes like this....." Everything you can imagine is real.” Read More..

Inspiring Thoughts: Why Smile and Silence are Two Weapons for Every Success

If you want to be succeeded in life then accustomed yourselves to become the master the art of forgetting all those things which tries to hurt you...
If you focused your mind only on those factors which hurtled you then how you will find the way to go ahead to our goals.. .Read More..

Inspiring Thoughts: Learn to Master Your Emotions...the Key to Success in Life

Inspiring Thoughts: Your success for any plan is directly related to your emotions...Emotions are the supplement and product of our Mind and Heart and so we can't avoid the importance of emotions in our life....Actually Emotions are the feelings which is the complete balance inside us which provide us the power to take the judicious decisions in our life...Read More..

Mahatma Gandhi: Important Quotes which are Enough to Change Your Life...

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi...known as the Mahatma Gandhi has become today one of the most universally recognized person on the earth....He was born on 02 October 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat.  Gandhi wed Kasturba Makanji who was a merchant’s daughter...Read More...

Inspiring Thoughts: Self Confidence is the Ultimate Power to move from Comfort Zone to Growth Zone

Reaching to the peak of success in life is the most important goal for every individual...In a bid to go to the Growth zone i.e. peak of success in life it is very crucial to increase our Self Confidence level..Read More...

Inspiring Thoughts: Develop the Problem-Solving Attitude-The Panacea for all Obstacles in your life

Inspiring Thoughts; Come and Feel the Power of Thoughts...Positive Attitude, Courage...
Life is meaningless without the struggles and problems as it has been said that if there is lack of problems you have...you are suffering from the phase of Inertia...the state of be static in your life...Read More..

Inspiring Thoughts: Why Courage is Important for Our Life…Give a look to these Game Changer Quotes…

Courage is the most important phenomenon in one's life which provides you the dare to think and do something surprising in your life..In human life where everything is unpredictable and we have to do many things for our survival which we use to avoid normally.....Read More...

Inspiring Thoughts: The Importance of Self Discipline in Every Aspects of Life

Jim Rohn....has said....Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward..... Self discipline is the most crucial factor to achieve every goal in our life...Read More...

Inspiring Thoughts by Swami Vivekanand:Know the Inspirational Quotes

Swami Vivekanand,  the great Indian Monk, Scholar and the noted spiritual leader whose words are enough to made him the prolific thinker and passionate patriot.He is known for his teaching which has power to ignite and equipped with full of energy. ..Read More...

It's Rust which can Destroy the Iron...So Your Negative Mindset can Ruin you...

“None can destroy Iron but it's own rust can. Likewise, none can destroy a person but his own mindset can.” I think the above quotes by leading industrialist Mr. Ratan Tata is enough to highlight the importance of Positive energy for the success in our life...Read More..

The only goals You don’t Achieve in Life are the Goals you don't Set

The quotes which goes like…. “The only goals You don’t Achieve in Life are the Goals you don’t Set “can be termed as the ultimate truth regarding the setting and importance of Goal for your life and your vision….. 

It's Positive Attitude which gives you the Right Direction for Success in Life

It is attitude which provides you the skill to deal with the difficulties in your life..... Needless to say, Difficulties or problems are part of our life and unavoidable...so is this justified to blame our fate for this one....?In a bid to overcome the difficulties, just change your Attitude...

Hanuman Jayanti 2020: Know when to Celebrate and get the Teaching from Lord Hanuman

Hanuman Jayanti 2020: The holy Hanuman Jayanti 2020 is set to celebrate on the Wednesday, 8th of April. Hanuman Jayanti is the occasion to celebrate the birth of Hanuman as per Hindu calendar. According to the Hindu Panchang, the Hanuman Jayanti is observed in the Chaitra lunar month Read More...

Germinate Courage Inside you to overcome the Fear of Failure

The fear of failure in our efforts is the biggest hurdles in our life and no one can achieve their goal with half heartedly efforts. 
Remember, without keeping aside the fear of failure, you can't make your dream possible ...

Goal: The Ultimate Things to Liberated your Energy and Inspire Your Hopes

Setting of a goal for your life is the ultimate and genuine reason which keeps you motivated and energized towards in your life. In lack of a solid goal, your life will become a race without a destination 

Albert Einstein Birth Anniversary: Know the Way of Life by the Great Scientist and Philosopher

Albert Einstein was the famous scientist. Especially the theoretical physicist who is known for his developed the theory of relativity, which is understood as the pillar of the modern physics.Read More...

Be a Player who Run for a Goal, Not a Referee to look only Fault

Women Day Special: Perfection is not attainable, But by Chasing it, We Can Achieve Excellence

Women Day Special: Being the Female leader which is the most important lesson you learned from the experiences of your life.. and what would you like to say about it. Read More...

Self-Discipline; Difficult but Not Impossible....Know How To Imbibe

In a bid to fight the notorious COVID-19, right now lockdown has become the only one remedy across the world. Not only India, several other countries have also chosen the option of lockdown in a bid to fight against the COVID-19. .Read More.... 

Feel the Power of Positive Thinking and Transform Your Life 

Amid the all necessary steps taken by various agencies in the world, the turmoil of COVID-19 Coronavirus has affected badly everyone’s lives and life is not so easy as inside the home...Read More...

Add Experience with Experiment to Achieve the Expectations

There is a saying which goes like this...Yesterday is meant for experience, Today is the symbol of Experiment and both are equally needed to achieve the Expectations....I.e. Tomorrow.. Read More...

Hard Times in Life: Remember Stars Can’t Shine without Darkness

As thers is a situation like a lockdown due to the COVID-19..certainly it is a phase of hard times in your life...but the only things which need of hour is to courage and mindset to overcome the situation. Read More...

Adopt the Habbit of Writing Dairy and Keep You Free from Anxiety and Stress 


Benefits of Writing Dairy: Planned and disciplined life is key for any success in our life and it is Writing Diary is the way which leads for the same. All of us know that succes is not like a elevator and there is not a shortcut for the same in our life
Read More... 


The famous Scholar,Teacher and and Adviser played crucial role for the stablishment of the Maurya dynasty in ancient time at Patlipurta (Today's Patna) in Bihar. He is the author of the world famous Book Arthshashtra which played important role for the people. 

The book has enough range of knowledge should be followed by the individual and also for the King of the state for how to rule the kingdom. You can say, his slokas give us very valuable insight into our own overall development and also for our society and political and spiritual life. 

Meaning: Chanakya use to say,  never discloses your plan strategy to others after its inception in your mind. He use to say that keep the plan insight and protect it like we hide a secret Mantra to others. He said that do everything’s possible to achieve your target and plan. Keep it confidential and left no stone unturned to achieve your goal. Disclose only after the achievement of your goal. 

International Women Day 

Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.
– Margaret Thatcher

Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences. 
– J. K. Rowling

Motivational Quotes have its own importance for human being life....It has the power to motivate, encourage, inspire you and it is enough to change your mental status for the time being....

Yes..Failure and negativity are part of today's struggling life in every field....But you can take help from various Motivational Quotes...You should know these quotes have unique power to change your life and just you have to imbibe the essence of these quotes under ..Inspiring Thoughts...A Page which has been conceived to motivate and energize you with full of positivity in yourself...The Page has been conceived to bring light and happiness into your day with hope in getting rid from the negativity in your mind...

Needless to say the Positive Thought and Quotes have the power to motivate, inspire and encourage. Whenever you feel low, unhappy, or lacking motivation, visit @ Inspiring Thoughts.. and certainly you will see how your mood and state of mind begin to improve....

You can't ignore the phase of uncertainty and despair in your day to day life and these things are part of life. Certainly such phases of you life needs a little push and some fuel to help you take action in right direction with positive thinking with hope....At this instances TInspiring Thoughts... plays crucial role in helping you for your goal and right direction. 

Many times, a inspirational quotes or some words  of people who achieved something in their life, can change your mind set and you can make difference in your life. 

Motivational Quotes gave by the big guns of the various fields who have achieved success in their life are enough to make a difference in your struggling phase and hence we must be imbibe all the motivational quotes in our mind. 

In fact, it are the Motivational Quotes which bring light and happiness into your day and it also work as mood changers for your life. Motivational Quotes also inspire you for positive thinking and taking positive action in your life. 

On the auspicious occasion of Mahashivratri, the day of Lord Shankar, we https://competitivetimes.blogspot.com/ has launched this page known as Inspiring Thoughts.. In this page we have tried to present before you the famous Motivational Quotes by extraordinary personalities of the history who had abolished their life to achieve some of the game changer quotes in their life...

Hope Inspiring Thoughts will play crucial role in your life in bringing light and happiness into your day and also as mood changers for your life...


You can't ignore the significance of  a wise man and fool man in your life...While ignoring them you can concentrate on your aim and goal whereas with paying attention to them, you can't get attention in your life...Just give a look by the noted Personality Bruce Lee in the context....


Bruce Lee..The person who is known for his strength and different thought...Just give a look with the quotes which justifies his uniqueness of his thought....


Martin Luther King Jr. 

#Martin Luther King Jr.

Albert Einstein...

You can't ignore the importance of positivism in your life...Yes...The Negative person tries their best to confuse you and deviate you from the path on which you are...
Remember, this quotation of the Albert Einstein about the Negative persons in your life and why it is essential to avoid them....

# Albert Einstein 

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