New Delhi: It was a glamorous evening when Bharat Bhramar,Ishreen Vadi and Amit Goyal Directors of Shri Sai Entertainment Private Limited along with Mr. Kushal Rathi, MD ECNON announced the finale winners of ECNON Haut Monde Mrs. India World Wide season 3.
To make the occasion a more special one, the celebratory evening was joined in by esteemed guests and panel members of Mrs. India worldwide season 3 like Former Miss World & Actress Aditi Govitrikar, Actress Amita Nangia, Actress Eva Grover, Mr. Kushal Rathi (MD ECNON), P.Mohanti, Ramandeep Singh, Designer Shibani Rastogi, Designers Rabani and Rakha, Fitness Trainer Vesna Jacob and Blossom Kocchar.

To make the occasion a more special one, the celebratory evening was joined in by esteemed guests and panel members of Mrs. India worldwide season 3 like Former Miss World & Actress Aditi Govitrikar, Actress Amita Nangia, Actress Eva Grover, Mr. Kushal Rathi (MD ECNON), P.Mohanti, Ramandeep Singh, Designer Shibani Rastogi, Designers Rabani and Rakha, Fitness Trainer Vesna Jacob and Blossom Kocchar.
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