New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party has alleged that there is a joint conspiracy hatched by the BJP and the Congress to prevent the audit of the account books of private power distribution companies by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), which will expose the large scale frauds committed by these discoms over the past decade.

The information available in the public domain so far shows that even six months after the Arvind Kejriwal government had ordered the CAG audit of these discoms, they are denying access of their account books to the CAG despite the fact that all their desperate attempts so far to stall the audit have been unsuccessful so far.

It is a matter of shame that the CAG has been forced to ask the Delhi administration to be “proactive” in ensuring that the discoms cooperate in the audit. This is a clear evidence that the absence of an elected government in Delhi is being utilized to thwart the audit, which can call the bluff of these discoms.

Following the resignation of the Kejriwal government on February 14, these discoms have been helped by first the Congress-led UPA government and now the BJP-led NDA’s central government in their nefarious designs.

The Congress reluctance in allowing the audit of discoms to proceed is understandable, since the Sheila Dikshit government was hand in glove with these discoms and helped them in repeatedly hiking the electricity tariffs in a completely unjustified manner over the last one decade.

The Shiela Dikshit government was a partner in crime and allowed the discoms to make hefty profits at the cost of the common man and even opposed the audit of their account books on false pretexts, since it would have exposed both of them.

What is extremely shocking is that the Narendra Modi-led central government, which is now indirectly controlling the national capital through the Lieutenant Governor, is equally hesitant in sternly telling these discoms that they have no option than to cooperate with the CAG audit.

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