International Tiger Day : International Tiger Day which is also known as Global Tiger Day, is  a day to create awareness among the people about the conservation of tiger in the world.  It is an annual observance dedicated to raising awareness about the conservation of tigers and the importance of protecting their natural habitats. It is celebrated on July 29th each year. The main goal of International Tiger Day is to promote efforts to conserve and increase tiger populations, as well as to raise awareness about the threats that tigers face in the wild.

Actually International Tiger Day was came in existence in 2010 at Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit which was conducted in Russia. The summit remained successfull to draw attention to the alarming decline in tiger populations worldwide. 

Tigers are one of the most iconic and majestic big cat species on the planet, but they are classified as endangered. Their populations have significantly dwindled over the past century due to various factors, including habitat loss, poaching for their skins and body parts (used in traditional medicine), and human-wildlife conflict.

How To Organize International Tiger Day? 
Many organizations and conservationists use this day to organize events, campaigns, and educational programs to spread awareness about tiger conservation and to garner support for their protection. Governments, NGOs, and concerned citizens worldwide collaborate to take action to safeguard these magnificent creatures and the ecosystems they inhabit.

Efforts to protect tigers involve establishing and maintaining protected areas, implementing anti-poaching measures, reducing human-wildlife conflicts, and promoting responsible tourism that supports tiger conservation.

Through the collective efforts of governments, conservation organizations, and local communities, there is hope that we can reverse the decline of tiger populations and ensure the survival of these beautiful creatures for future generations. International Tiger Day serves as a reminder of the importance of these efforts and encourages people to take action to protect tigers and preserve their habitats.
International Tiger Day 2019: Facts
It is noted that the International Tiger Day 2019 was a good news for India when Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the 4th cycle of All India Tiger Estimation – 2018 and declared that India has right now almost 3000 tigers. Certainly India is today among the biggest and most secure habitats.

Prime Minister described the occassion as a historic achievement for India, and reaffirmed India’s commitment towards protecting the tiger. The Prime Minister appreciated the speed and dedication with which various stakeholders worked to achieve this. He described it as one of the finest examples of Sankalp Se Siddhi. Once the people of India decide to do something, there is no force that can prevent them from getting the desired results, he declared.

The Prime Minister said that with almost 3000 tigers, India is today among the biggest and most secure habitats.

India will build more homes for our citizens and that the same time create quality habitats for animals. India will have a vibrant marine economy and a healthier marine ecology. This balance is what will contribute to a strong and inclusive India, the Prime Minister asserted.

In the last five years, while work has proceeded at a fast pace for next-generation infrastructure, the forest cover in the country has also grown. There has also been an increase in the “protected areas.” In 2014, there were 692 protected areas, which increased to more than 860 in 2019. The “Community Reserves” have also grown from 43, in 2014, to more than 100 now.

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