The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party today launched its campaign to expose 'AAp's betrayal and Corruption of Congress' by holding a massive demonstration at Jantar Mantar which was addressed among others by Delhi BJP In-charge Prabhat Jha, Delhi BJP President Shri Vijay Goel and leader of BJP legislative party Dr. Harsh Vardhan.

The legislators, former BJP Presidents Prof. OP Kohli, Mange Ram Garg and Vijendra Gupta and national secretaries Ms. Aarti Mehra, Dr. Anil Jain and Shri Shyam Jaju were also present.

Addressing the BJP cadres, Shri Jha said, “AAP –Congress alliance ruined Delhi during their 49 days misrule. In fact, it was Congress which was ruling through backdoor via AAP but both the parties stand exposed today.”

Delhi BJP President Vijay Goel said, “AAP leaders are blatantly lying to people and getting exposed. Recently their leaders Arvind Kejriwal, Shazia Ilmy were caught lying once again when Transparency International refuted that they have never issued any report which says that corruption in Delhi was reduced during AAP’s rule.”

“Both these AAP leaders should publicly apologise for coming out with such blatant lies. The BJP will soon come out with a detailed chargesheet against AAP-Congress alliance government. The BJP cadres will also seek replies from all 28 MLAs of AAP about their doublespeak,” said Goel.

“We have all seen that how people who joined AAP are revolting against the ‘dubious’ working of AAP leadership which seems to be striking deals with certain elements in Congress and hence deciding the candidates for Lok Sabha accordingly. There are reports of revolt in AAP against candidate selection procedure from all across the country. The AAP has lost the moral high ground on which it has been trying to station itself through hypocrisy and opportunism,” he added.

Dr. Harsh Vardhan said, “We all know how AAP leaders have taken funds from organisations like Ford Foundation which are known for their disruptive policies around the world. Why don’t AAP leaders come out with an explanation over this,” asked Dr. Harsh Vardhan.

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