Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that we stand united in strongly condemning the dreadful acts of terrorism in Paris. We express our deepest sympathy and support to Russia for the loss of life in Sinai. Ankara and Beirut are also reminders of terror's growing spread and impact.

He further said that the entire humanity must stand together as one against terrorism. The need for a united global effort to combat terrorism has never been more urgent. This must also be a priority for BRICS nations.

There was a time when the logic of BRICS and its lasting capacity were being questioned. We have provided proof of the relevance and value of BRICS through our actions. And, this has come at a time of huge global challenges.

The New Development Bank, the Currency Reserve Arrangement, Strategy for BRICS Economic Cooperation - these are clear evidence of our vision and our resolve. Together, we can also give shape to G20.

India attaches the highest importance to BRICS. We are honoured to assume the Chairmanship of BRICS from 1st February, 2016 and build on the great work done by other Members.

The theme of India's BRICS Chairmanship will be “Building Responsive, Inclusive and Collective Solutions” which, in short, will be 'BRICS'. It aptly describes the ethos of our group.

Modi said that we are pleased that a BRICS partner, China, takes over the Presidency of G20 in December 2015. We assure China of full support during its Presidency.

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