Hirotugu Akaike was a famous Japanese statistician who was born on November 5, 1927. Akaike is credited with the formulation of the “Akaike information criterion”, which helps predict which statistical model out of many will be the closest to the actual truth.

In a bid to pay tribute to to Japanese statistician Hirotugu Akaike on his 90th birthday, Google on Sunday remembered him  with a doodle.

Hirotugu Akaike: Facts in Brief

Hirotugu Akaike, who was born on November 5, 1927, is credited with the formulation of the “Akaike information criterion”, which helps predict which statistical model out of many will be the closest to the actual truth.

He died on August 4, 2009. As as statistician, he was famous for his working in information theory. As a result, in the early of 1970s, Akaikeformulated a criterion for model selection.

The mode is known as the Akaike information criterion, which is now widely used in the  field.


Akaike was awarded the Kyoto Prize in 2006 for his major contribution to statistical science.

He was also awarded the Purple Ribbon Medal and the Asahi Prize, the highest honours in culture and science of the Government of Japan.

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