Prime Minister Narendra Modi has strongly criticised the opposition for the issue of air strikes on terror camps recently in Pakistan and said that amid the present need for our defence, country is feeling the absence of Rafale fighter jet aircraft. PM further elaborated and said that the country is feeling the absence of Rafale and today entire country is witnessing that things would have something separate if we had Rafale. He was addressing during the  India Today Conclave 2019 in New Delhi. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi further has compared his fifty five months government and the fifty five years of the others have given two contrasting approaches to governance.They had a ‘token approach’, we have a ‘total approach.’ For everything, they had a token to offer. 
Modi eleborated the things as India has been battling poverty but they gave a token slogan- Garibi Hatao. How to achieve that was not specified and neither did they make any effort to remove poverty.

But, they went place to place saying – Garibi Hatao, Garibi Hatao.It was known that India needed to work on financial inclusion. For that they gave a token- bank nationalization.

They did this in the name of the poor but none of them bothered to check if the doors of banks are open for the poor or not.Take the case of One Rank One Pension.
A forty year old demand was left hanging but during their last budget in 2014, a token amount of five hundred crore rupees was added. They knew very well that this was not even close to the amount needed. But then again, token! And, the elections that were approaching.

Before 2014 what was their poll plank - increasing gas cylinders from 9 to 12. Imagine – such a large national party, with years in government is reduced to fighting a poll on 9 to 12 cylinders. This way of giving tokens is not acceptable to us. If work has to be done, it has to be in totality, not with tokenism.That is why, all our initiatives aim for one hundred percent.

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