It was August 13th, 1961 when  the East Germany began the construction of the Berlin Wall.  The basic concept for making of the wall was to completely cut-off West Berlin to East Berlin and East Germany. 

In a bid to celebrates the 30th anniversary of the fall of Berlin Wall, Google has created the special doodle for the same. Google has captured the glorious essence of the breaking down the boundaries of the separation between innocent families coming together. The Berlin wall which is know for its special making and existence and now its fall has also a crucial event for the demolition of enemity and distrust for the unity of love and togetherness. Google has created the doodle which has been created by a Berlin-based artist- Max Guther. 

The doodle shows the feelings of a man and woman embracing each other at the middle of the falles wall which providing the sense of togetherness.  It seems the the occassion is like to celebrate a moment with a peaceful revolution  with the ending of the dangerous Cold War. Certainly the doodle expresses the moment and hints a unique and optimistic beginning of one of the much awaited and historical reunification of East and West Germany.

Facts about the Noted Berlin Wall

Do you know, it was August 13th, 1961 when  the East Germany began the construction of the Berlin Wall.  The basic concept for making of the wall was to completely cut-off West Berlin to East Berlin and East Germany. 

The another facts about the the Berlin Wall is that i was consisted of 96 miles of barrier between the East and West having  concrete and barbed wire barriers. The arrangement was build to separate people of both the countires.

However, another facts about the Great Berlin wall is that the official date of the fall of the Berlin Wall is November 9th 1989, you will be surprised to know that the actual demolition did not begin until June 13th, 1990. It was the tenure when 
border controls were continue and in existence however there less strict. 

It was on October 3rd, 1990, whcn Germany became one country again. You will surprised to know about the another feature of Berlin wall that the west side of the Berlin wall was covered in graffiti, however the East side was without any grffiti. 

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