Ram Mandir will be the Modern Symbol of our Culture, Eternal Faith and National Spirit : PM
Prime Minister Narendra Modi performed Bhoomi Pujan at 'Shree Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir' at Ayodhya today.

A glorious chapter for India
Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister congratulated fellow countrymen and Ram Bhakts all across the world on the holy occasion. Terming it as historic, he said that India is starting a glorious chapter today, when people all across the country are excited and emotional to have finally achieved what they had been waiting for centuries, several of whom are scarcely able to believe that they are witnessing this day in their lifetime. He highlighted that Ram Janmabhoomi has become liberated from the cycle of cycle of breaking down and building up again, and a grand temple for Ramlala will be constructed in place of tents now.

Shree Ram – the foundation of our culture
Prime Minister observed that while several attempts were made to wipe out his existence, Shree Ram continues to be the foundation of our culture. He said that Ram Mandir will be a modern symbol of our culture, eternal faith, national spirit and collective will power which will inspire generations to come. The construction of the temple will also open up several opportunities across sectors and will change the economy of the region.

Shree Ram – the thread of unity in diversity
Prime Minister said that Shree Ram has acted as a guiding light for people, through Valmiki Ramayan in ancient times, through Tulsidas, Kabir and Guru Nanak in medieval times and was also present in the bhajans of Mahatma Gandhi as the power source of ahimsa and satyagrah. Lord Buddha is also associated with Shree Ram, and the city of Ayodhya has been a center of faith of Jains since centuries, he said. Recounting the different Ramayans written in various languages, Prime Minister noted that Shree Ram is the common thread of unity in diversity in the country.

Inspiration for entire humanity
Prime Minister expressed hope that the temple will serve as an inspiration for the entire humanity for eras to come. He noted that it is important that the message of Shree Ram, Ram Mandir and of our age old tradition reaches out to the entire world. Keeping this in mind, Ram Circuit is being made in the country.

Ram Rajya
Prime Minister recounted the contours of Ram Rajya dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi. He said that the teaching of Shree Ram, which have continued to guide the country, include: no one should be poor or unhappy; men and women should be equally happy; farmers and animal keepers should always be happy; the old, the kids and the doctors should always be protected; it is the duty of all to protect those seeking asylum; homeland is more than heaven; and, the more power a nation has, the greater its capacity to further peace.

Foundation of mutual love and brotherhood
Prime Minister emphasized that the temple should be constructed on the foundation of mutual love and brotherhood. He said that through ‘sabka saath’ and with ‘sabka vishwas’, we need to achieve ‘sabka vikaas’ and make a self-confident and Aatmanirbhar Bharat. He underlined that the message of Shree Ram, that there should not be any delay and we should move forward, is the message which the country needs to follow.(Source PIB)

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