Giloy Gudduchi is Safe Not produce any Toxic Effects  Ministry of Ayush
Immunity Boost to Fight COVID: Once again  there are rapid surge in the COVID cases and it has put all of us to rethink about the plight of the situation that we have left after a long time. Needless to say, it is only Immunity boost of our body which can save us from the COVID-19. Especially for those children who have not vaccinated due to age restrictions and they have started to visit their school after a long time. 

It is noted that the Ministry of Ayush reiterates that Giloy/Gudduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) is safe and as per available data, Guduchi does not produce any toxic effect. Certain sections of the media have falsely linked again Giloy/Guduchi to liver damage. 

In Ayurveda, it is said to be the best rejuvenating herb. Acute toxicity studies of aqueous extract of Guduchi reports that it does not produce any toxic effect. However, the safety of a drug depends on how it is being used. Dosage is one of the important factors that determine the safety of a particular drug.

In a study, lower concentration of Guduchi powder is found to increase the life span of fruit flies (Drosophila Melanogaster). At the same time, higher concentration progressively reduced the life span of flies. This clearly indicates that an optimum dosage should be maintained in order to get the desired effects. This infers that the medicinal herb has to be used in an appropriate dose as prescribed by a qualified physician to get medicinal effects.

With the wide range of actions and abundant components, Guduchi is a real treasure among herbal drug source.  Medicinal applications of Guduchi in countering various disorders and it's use as anti-oxidant, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-hyperlipidemic, hepatoprotective, cardiovascular protective, neuroprotective, osteoprotective, radioprotective, anti-anxiety, adaptogenic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, anti-diarrheal, anti-ulcer, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer have been well established.

A special focus has been made on its health benefits in treating various metabolic disorders and its potential as an immune booster. It is used as a major component of therapeutics for ameliorating metabolic, endocrinal, and several other ailments, aiding in the betterment of human life expectancy. It is a popularly known herb for its immense therapeutic applications in traditional systems of medicine and has been used in the management of COVID-19. Considering the overall health benefits, the herb cannot be claimed to be toxic.(Source PIB)


Note: Please note that the tips/suggestions mentioned in the article are only for general information purposes to keep you updated about the issue which is expected to common people and these should not be construed/ followed as professional medical advice. We recommend and request you always to consult your doctor or a professional healthcare provider if you have any specific questions about any medical matter regarding the topic. 

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