Born on October 1 Prediction Traits Personality

Born on October 1:
People born on 1 October 2022 display special quality in their life and the most important is that become the perfectionist tendency in their life. Such people use to fight their struggles solely and without support of anyone. The biggest feature of the people born on October 1 is that they are quite ambitious in their lives and they always want to stay at number 1. 

Normally, People born on October 1 make great progress in life, but their struggle always keeps going on with problems. Let us know what happens to the people born on October 01, the characteristic, nature, their choice/ dislikes from the famous astrologer and horoscope expert Himanshu Ranjan Shekhar.

Ambitious tendency

People born on October 1 are quite ambitious in their lives and they always want to stay at number 1 in any field. Although they also try for this, but the truth is that they have to struggle a lot for this. Such people never learn to give up in their lives, nor do they ever like to compromise with the principles in life. He puts everything at stake to achieve his goal in life, for this they always gets stamina and concentration on the strength of his own will.

Perfectionist Tendency

The biggest feature of people born on October 1 is that they become perfectionists during working and doing something in their life. Such people do their work in a different and special way. His trust in himself and his skill is very high and for this reason they like to do things with their discretion and understanding anywhere in their home or office.

Priority to experience

The biggest feature of people born on October 1 is that they prefer their experience more than practical knowledge gained during their Schooling and College days. For them, they learn more than the experience of life more than book knowledge. There is no problem in learning from the utterances of great men for them because the above utterances are squeezed for them. Only book knowledge such as theoretical things or the things mentioned in School College do not affect them much. Such people progress only after the struggle in their lives and obviously the experience during the struggle is more important for their life.

Progress after struggle

People born on October 1 have the biggest difficulties that although they get success in life but they have to pay a lot of struggles and price in their efforts. In the beginning of life, such people have to struggle a lot, but the biggest thing is that they definitely get success one day. Yes, for this, they have to go through a little mental trouble or mental stress problems but they do not lose courage quickly.

Never Compromise With Principles

Such people try their best to achieve their target in their life, it is another matter that for this they have to struggle a lot. Such people never compromise with their principles in life.  They put everything at stake to achieve their goals in life, for this, they always get stamina and concentration on the strength of their own will.

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