New Delhi: Criminal complaint under Section 499 IPC was filed by Nitin Gadkari, former President of BJP against Arvind Kejriwal. The complaint was presented by Ms. Pinky Anand, Sr. Advocate along with Mr. Ajay Digpaul and Mr. Balendu Shekhar Advocates before the Court of Metropolitan Magistrate Ms. Gomti Minocaha. Patiala House, Delhi.

After hearing the submission of Sr. counsel, statement of the complainant was recorded and the statement of Mr. Neeraj, Advocate. Mr. S. N. Parashar, one of the witness were also present in court.

Gadkari submitted that Mr. Kejriwal is in the habit of making false, malicious and defamatory statements only to gain cheap publicity and gain political mileage. Mr. Kejriwal had on 31,01.14 produced a fabricated list of corrupt politicians including Mr. Gadkari as one of the corrupt politicians. The statement was made only to defame and tarnish the image of Mr. Gadkari who has an impeccable image in the eyes of people at large. Mr. Ashutosh, Spokesperson of AAP also repeated the false statement and also falsely stated that Mr. Gadkari had sent a notice to BJP. No such notice was ever sent by Mr. Gadrkari.

The statement of Mr. Neeraj was also recorded. After hearing the submissions of Ms. Pinky Anand, Sr. Advocate, the court has posted the matter on 22.02.2014 for arguments.

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